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The Legal OS

Access reliable legal answers instantly. Draft, analyze, and master your documents with unparalleled precision and speed.
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100% hosted in France

Your data remains strictly in France and is never reused to train our models.

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8 hours saved on average per week/person

Ordalie's clients, both companies and law firms, experience significant and lasting time savings.

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+2 Million official and reliable sources

Ordalie relies solely on certified legal sources: codes, laws, case law, BOFiP, CNIL… updated daily.

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Permanent legal anchoring

All tasks are supervised by constant analysis against official legal sources, updated daily.

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Connect Ordalie to your knowledge

Ordalie's value is multiplied by your years of experience and archives.

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Automated custom generation

Quickly create personalized and precise legal documents in just a few clicks.


The security of your data is our priority at Ordalie. Hosted in France, our infrastructures comply with GDPR and meet SOC II and ISO 27001 standards, ensuring advanced protection and continuous security of your sensitive information.
France RGPD SOC II ISO 27001


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